Organization: Operation Safety Net, Light of Life Rescue Mission, Westmoreland Food Bank, DHS Allegheny Holiday Project
Chapter of the Year: 2021🥇
D.O. More Pittsburgh has continued to launch multiple fundraisers of the years with D.O. More. It remains one of our largest chapters in terms of volunteers and funds raised. We have been lucky enough to retain many of the Pittsburgh leaders on our D.O. More executive board. The Pittsburgh crew continues to raise the bar each year with their savvy ideas, crisp and cutting-edge graphic designs, and team players who go above and beyond for the causes they are passionate about.
The Pittsburgh Chapter of D.O. More's first successful bagging event was in early 2021 for Operation Safety Net. Pittsburgh Mercy’s Operation Safety Net is our innovative, award-winning medical and social service outreach program for persons who are experiencing homelessness in Allegheny County. Operation Safety Net serves in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy. They reach out and offer services that help people and empower them to improve their quality of life. They strive to address the circumstances that undermine mental, physical, and emotional well-being.Thanks to each member we were able to assemble more than 200 bags. A huge thank you to everyone who donated. Because of you, we were able to raise over $6,000 for Operation Safety Net
Our Pittsburgh chapter was back at it again with another successful event in late 2021! The team was able to organize a golf outing to raise money for Light of Life Rescue Mission. Since 1952, Light of Life has been a place where hope and healing meet for men, women, and families experiencing homelessness, poverty, or addiction. They transform lives through the love of Christ. Not only were they able to make a generous donation to Light of Life, but additionally gave a $1,000 donation to the Western PA Diaper Bank - one of the previous sponsors for their last fundraiser. Way to go team!!
D.O. More’s Food Drive for Westmoreland Food Bank in 2022 was able to donate $120 and 206lbs of food!! For nearly 18,000 individuals and families facing food insecurity throughout Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, the Westmoreland Food Bank provides a valuable resource in the fight against hunger. By acquiring foods through the generosity of local donations, USDA commodities, and government food assistance programs, we help ensure that at-risk individuals of all ages have access to nutritious fresh foods and non-perishable items.
Pittsburgh Mercy is a person-centered, population-based, trauma-informed community health and wellness provider. They offer help and hope to those with physical and behavioral health challenges, intellectual disabilities, addiction, homelessness, and other forms of trauma.
D.O. More Pittsburgh is thankful for all of your donations because they allowed us to provide Pittsburgh Mercy’s Operation Safety Net with over 50 Blessings in Bag! In addition to the bags we were able to also donate tents, shoes, clothing, laundry baskets, laundry detergent, sleeping bags, and more!

Our most recent 2022 launch was with DHS Allegheny Holiday Project where we were able to raise over $6,000 in Christmas presents for children of DHS Allegheny! With long-standing community support, the Department of Human Services (DHS) Holiday Project provides meaningful holiday gifts to children in families receiving DHS services related to child maltreatment and homelessness. Recipients of these gifts range from newborns to young adults. In every case, gifts from the Holiday Project provide an invaluable sense of normalcy for children and youth whose lives are shaped by daily challenges. We can't wait for our next Pittsburgh project...thank you for D.O.ing more!
For more information on how you can get involved in Pittsburgh, fill out our Contact Us form.
Learn more about Operation Safety Net, click here, or for Light of Life, click here, and our newest partner DHS Holiday Project here.